Monday, April 24, 2017

WWI Big Questions

1. One of the events that helped the US become involved with WWI was the Zimmerman Telegram which was a telegram Germany sent to Mexico suggesting that if the US and Germany go to war, Mexico should help Germany. Great Britain intercepted the telegram giving it to the US. This built sentiment to join the war. The second event was the fall of the czarist regime in Russia in 1917. The US didn't want to ally with a despotic monarchy. Armies on both sides of the war were decimated by the time the US decides to get involved. Great Britain specifically was suffering from many losses from German submarine attacks. Germany also torpedoed 3 American ships which pushed the US to declare war. The US sent out wartime drafts to hundreds of men to be drafted into the army to prepare for the war. They also used propaganda to get American people more involved and dedicated to the war.

2. The US didn't want to ally with Russia as long as it had the czarist regime. America was split because German Americans and Irish Americans sympathized with Germany and many others sympathized with Great Britain including President Wilson. The US stopped trading with Germany because GB placed a blockade on Germany, but kept trading with Great Britain. Their supplies to Great Britain were being intervened by German submarines. Wilson's League of Nations was also a topic of debate. He claimed it would guarantee world peace post war.

3. The involvement in WWI for the US was terrible because of the life in trenches. They were frequently shelled, muddy, polluted, and infested with rats. Also, many diseases spread through the trenches.

4. The war affected America's government, economy, and society. The US spent about 32 billion dollars directly towards the war. This money came from liberty bonds bought by American people and taxes. The WIB coordinated the many government purchases of military supplies. The government had to mobilize an industrial economy for a total war which took a lot of involvement in the economy and people's lives. The US lost about 112,000 people in the war due to mostly disease. The Great Migration occurred due to the war which was hundreds of thousands of black people moving from the South to northern industrial cities to find work in factories. The war created new opportunities for women which led to the creation of the Woman's Peace Party and National American Women's Suffrage Association fighting for women's suffrage.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

WWI Propaganda Cont.

The posters we reviewed probably accomplished their goal of either getting young men to enlist or other Americans to contribute to the war in their own ways because the artists were very intentional with what colors and what imagery to use to catch people's attention. Many artists knew what kind of images would draw emotion out of people and make them believe in their cause. Also, there weren't a lot of other sources of communication like the posters at that time period, so the propaganda on posters was the most logical and useful form to get information out to the people.

Image result for the child at your door
The main focus of this image is a young girl in rags and looking very sad and hungry. She looks frail and broken. The image is titled "The Child at Your Door" which is a way of saying that the orphans are the people's responsibility to get them off the streets. The words 400,000 orphans and campaign 30,000,000 also draw attention to show the abundance of children and money needed. The background is a dull brown to represent the bad shape the orphans are in. At the bottom there is a list of foreign countries. This poster might be aimed at immigrants who are from those countries. It could also be aimed at mothers who are the ones to take care of the children. Finally it is aimed at the men to contribute their money to the cause. The poster probably makes people feel bad for the children.

Image result for food is ammunition
This poster features a basket of fruits and vegetables that appear to be sitting in a battle field. The brights words Food Is Ammunition draws your eye and explains the strange image of food in battle. There is an American flag in the background to represent America's responsibility to provide food for Europe. Because they have this responsibility the poster is demanding that people can't waste their food. The artist probably wants to inspire people to want to save their food and only eat certain foods so that the men in war and the families in Europe can not starve. This poster is aimed at American families back at home.
Image result for third liberty bond loan prop
This poster features a young little girl looking happy hugging paper to her chest. She has a red bow in her hair. The words The Third Liberty Bond stand out because they are in blue when the other words are in red. The poster is literally asking the viewer if they bought their liberty bond like the little girls daddy did. Basically, if you buy liberty bonds, you will be happy and make other people happy. The little girl creates a sense of responsibility in people to keep her happy. It is aimed at men who can buy the liberty bonds to help the war effort.
Image result for army horse propaganda
This poster features a soldier and a dying and bleeding horse on the battle field. It is titled Save the Army Horse. And then in smaller font, To Save the Soldier. In the background there fire and smoke to show how bad it gets and the horse was in the middle of it. The artist wants people to feel bad for the horse and contribute to the Animal Red Star Animal Relief to help this horse and the other horses that could die. The artist is assuming the viewer is an animal lover or sympathizer to draw their emotions to want to contribute to their organization. It is also showing that if we help the horse we will help save more human lives. The poster is aimed at Americans back at home not fighting.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

WWI Posters

1. Propaganda is images or posters used to convince people of an ideal. They were used manipulatively and were biased on their topics.

2. Propaganda-   ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause 

3. Scrolled

4. This picture features the American flag and marching soldiers and a silhouette of a white man in a suit on two sides of a window. The eye is immediately drawn to the bright colors of the flag and the yellow word ENLIST and the red word YOU. These words are probably brighter than the other words because the artist wants to emphasize the need for people to enlist in the army. The dark figure inside the window represents the wrong decision and the brights colors outside represent the right decision. The flag is the main focus because it represents patriotism.

5. The flag and the soldiers outside the window represent patriotism and American pride in people.  The image is making men feel like they need to enlist to prove their pride and patriotism. The artist want people to feel motivated to join army and proud of America. This is evident in the waving flag and the bright colors of the flag.

6. This poster is aimed at young men because there are only men in the poster and they are the only ones who can officially enlist in the army.

4. This image features a man in industrial clothing and a silhouette of a soldier in the background in the same position as the worker. These two figures side by side show that they are fighting the same war, but they are contributing differently. One is at home in America working with mechanical tools and the other is abroad in battle with guns. Again, your eye is drawn the the bright colors of the American flag and the soldiers sky because they are brighter colors.

5. The artist is hoping to encourage men at home to be inspired to work just as hard as the soldiers abroad to help the US in the war. The artist is showing that the people at home are just as important and are doing important work.

6. The ideal target for this poster are the male mechanics and industrial workers not enlisted in the army because the poster features a guy working with a tool.


4. This poster features the American Red Cross and a blob of knitting thread. The word SOX is in all caps and very large font so your eyes get attracted to that word. This is to emphasize the importance of people to do what the poster is telling them to do. The knitting in the very center and enlarged is to show how much sox the army needs which is a lot. The red cross is a symbol of protection so the artist wants people to want to protect the boys at war.

5. The artist is hoping to instill a sense of being needed and duty in Americans, specifically the ones who contribute to making sox. The artist is also telling people their responsibility and that they need to be accountable.

6. This poster is probably aimed at women because they are typically protecting figures and the one who knit sox and other clothing.

7. It makes me somewhat uncomfortable that the government is spending tax money trying to manipulate myself and the rest of the country to do what they think is right or what they think we as a country need. It does not feel good to be told what to think or do.

8. The government felt the need to use propaganda during WWI because they felt that this was the only way to prove to Americans back at home that the men fighting in foreign countries need support and help from them back home. Americans back at home probably didn't;t have the perspective to understand their important role in the war effort.