Thursday, April 20, 2017

WWI Propaganda Cont.

The posters we reviewed probably accomplished their goal of either getting young men to enlist or other Americans to contribute to the war in their own ways because the artists were very intentional with what colors and what imagery to use to catch people's attention. Many artists knew what kind of images would draw emotion out of people and make them believe in their cause. Also, there weren't a lot of other sources of communication like the posters at that time period, so the propaganda on posters was the most logical and useful form to get information out to the people.

Image result for the child at your door
The main focus of this image is a young girl in rags and looking very sad and hungry. She looks frail and broken. The image is titled "The Child at Your Door" which is a way of saying that the orphans are the people's responsibility to get them off the streets. The words 400,000 orphans and campaign 30,000,000 also draw attention to show the abundance of children and money needed. The background is a dull brown to represent the bad shape the orphans are in. At the bottom there is a list of foreign countries. This poster might be aimed at immigrants who are from those countries. It could also be aimed at mothers who are the ones to take care of the children. Finally it is aimed at the men to contribute their money to the cause. The poster probably makes people feel bad for the children.

Image result for food is ammunition
This poster features a basket of fruits and vegetables that appear to be sitting in a battle field. The brights words Food Is Ammunition draws your eye and explains the strange image of food in battle. There is an American flag in the background to represent America's responsibility to provide food for Europe. Because they have this responsibility the poster is demanding that people can't waste their food. The artist probably wants to inspire people to want to save their food and only eat certain foods so that the men in war and the families in Europe can not starve. This poster is aimed at American families back at home.
Image result for third liberty bond loan prop
This poster features a young little girl looking happy hugging paper to her chest. She has a red bow in her hair. The words The Third Liberty Bond stand out because they are in blue when the other words are in red. The poster is literally asking the viewer if they bought their liberty bond like the little girls daddy did. Basically, if you buy liberty bonds, you will be happy and make other people happy. The little girl creates a sense of responsibility in people to keep her happy. It is aimed at men who can buy the liberty bonds to help the war effort.
Image result for army horse propaganda
This poster features a soldier and a dying and bleeding horse on the battle field. It is titled Save the Army Horse. And then in smaller font, To Save the Soldier. In the background there fire and smoke to show how bad it gets and the horse was in the middle of it. The artist wants people to feel bad for the horse and contribute to the Animal Red Star Animal Relief to help this horse and the other horses that could die. The artist is assuming the viewer is an animal lover or sympathizer to draw their emotions to want to contribute to their organization. It is also showing that if we help the horse we will help save more human lives. The poster is aimed at Americans back at home not fighting.

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